Saturday, January 14, 2012

Breakfast with Olivia in Sydney

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How cool is that?  Breakfast in Australia with Olivia Newton-John.

She just arrived this morning for the premiere of her new movie "A Few Best Men."  Fun couple of days ahead :)


  1. You are too lucky guys. :-)

  2. Great pic Randy! Enjoy Olivia's visit.

    I'm sure you'll tell her that so many of her fans are thrilled at the 'A Few Best Men Soundtrack' and Olivia's return to a dance-pop sound. She sounds terrific, and it's wonderful to see and hear her having so much fun.

    Thanks to you too for keeping the news coming our way!

  3. Very cool Randy (grgr a little jealous)say hello to her from everybody on youre blog and FB (and if she will consider to come to Europe (amsterdam?) because fans want to see and hear her again pretty pleas.Been to long and we might miss the opportunity at allin time. Jolanda

  4. Wow, she has two publicists. Can you get her on ELLEN when you are back in the states?


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