Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I am the 99 percent - with cancer

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"I am an American.
I pay taxes.
I worked.
I was the guy who worked in his field for 20 years until the economy collapsed.
Then I was the guy who brought you your pizza.  You know, a job?  Not unemployment?

Then I got cancer.

Minimum wage and part-time insurance meant I needed Arizona's welfare, AHCCS (Access), or I needed to gather my affairs.
Minimum wage meant I made too much money, according to Access, and I was denied Access.
Cancer solved the problem and removed my ability to work.
Access approved.

Despite what you've been told, the hospital will turn you away if you're broke.
Despite what you've been told, churches and private institutions will not pay your medical expenses.

I was diagnosed April 1st, 2011 and had major surgery on May 12th.
I am still recovering from radiation and chemo treatments ended in August.
I am alive because I'm unemployed.

Does any of this make sense?

I am the 99%"


  1. Thanks for sharing my picture.

  2. I wish I knew who this was & how to find him so I could tell him how much this touched me. I came from FB googling trying to find him. My daughter was diagnosed with cancer at age 6 months... I am familiar with this type of situation... TOO familiar! God Bless you wherever you are!! platinumenigma@hotmail.com on FB!

  3. I'm sorry, but there's no Platinum Enigma on Facebook that I can find. My name is Guy Gondron on FB, if I miss a followup post.

  4. Who is this guy? How can he be found?? We wanna hear his story!

  5. He has responded several times already in this comment thread! His name is Guy Gondron, look him up!

  6. Because people are gewd readers.


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