Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Watch GOP congressman answer the question "After Bush Tax Cuts - where are the job?"

Or rather - he DOESN'T answer the question.

I've been asking this question for a long time. IF the Bush Tax cuts create jobs, and we've had the Bush Tax cuts for over 9 years... where are the jobs?

History actually shows that job creation does not track with lower taxes.

As a matter of fact, while Rick Perry is traveling around touting Texas' low taxes (no state tax) his state actually has 8.4% unemployment (July 2011), ranking 27th. If Perry is such a genius and creating so many jobs, why is unemployment that high?

Ironically, the state with the LOWEST unemployment in the country is North Dakota with 3.3% unemployment. And North Dakota has a state income tax.

As a matter of fact, of the 10 states with the lowest unemployment rates for July 2011 - 8 have state income taxes. (South Dakota and Wyoming do not).

Do the math kids...