Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hate rally in the Bronx over marriage equality

With Governor Andrew Cuomo pushing to legalize same-sex marriage, dueling rallies both for and against the proposed legislation were held Sunday.

A rally against the measure was held in the Bronx along the Grand Concourse. Organized by the National Organization for Marriage, participants say the demonstration was held to call for the preservation of traditional marriage, or the union of one man and one woman.

State Senator Ruben Diaz Senior, a vocal opponent of gay marriage, was among those who addressed the crowd. NOM president Brian Brown told the crowd to believe that there is no actual separation of church and state.

In Manhattan, supporters of gay marriage gathered to call for equal rights. "The Bronx has the highest rate of HIV in all of the boroughs in Manhattan and also was the location of the biggest gay bashing a few months ago and so Ruben Diaz is deciding to hold a hate rally in the Bronx instead of rallying for his own constituents," said one same-sex marriage supporter.

Diaz's lesbian granddaughter is among those showing her support for same-sex marriage.

The video of the hate rally is a bit tough to watch as those speaking are practically frothing at the mouth in chiding gays and lesbians for wanting equal civil rights.

The sad thing is, this bigotry is being done in the name of the word of God. But what does the word of God say about collecting a dead spouse's social security? What does the word of God say about spousal privilege in legal cases? What does the word of God say about the tax code for married couples? CIVIL marriage has nothing to do with some people's particular interpretation of what they think is the word of God. CIVIL marriage isn't religious marriage.

Just remember, God don't like ugly.

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