Sunday, April 3, 2011

Texas College Republican resigns after use of anti-gay slur

A Southern Methodist University student, Charlie McCaslin, has resigned his post with the Texas College Republicans after a video was posted of him describing getting “hammered,” “hooking up” with a young woman and referring to political opponents using a gay slur.

The video was taken last weekend at an afterparty at the Texas College Republicans Convention in Austin. Following an endorsement for Alex Schriver, the National College Republicans vice chairman who is vying for the top spot, McCaslin described a drunken sexual escapade at a party he and Schriver attended, then referred to supporters of Schriver’s rival, Jonathon Snyder, as “nerds” and “fags.” Schriver himself is heard reacting favorably to the speech by cheering “To Charlie!”

According to the site The Other McCain, "Schriver called McCaslin’s comments 'inappropriate and highly offensive,' and warned that 'it is possible that some could incorrectly interpret my actions to be supportive” of McCaslin’s remarks. 'I regret putting myself in that situation,' Schriver said in the statement. 'I hope that any who were offended will accept my sincere apology.'”

McCaslin was elected as state CR chair only last month and Schriver is currently vice-chairman of the national organization.

The president of the College Republicans at Southern Methodist University, where McCaslin is a junior, also addressed the scandal: “Neither myself nor SMU College Republicans agree with or support Charlie’s comments about women and members of the gay community, and we condemn those statements as offensive and wrong,” the campus newspaper quoted Chad Cohen as saying. “He was speaking for himself as an individual, and for no one else.”

The Texas College Republicans have also disavowed McCaslin’s remarks.

Schriver's opponent, Jonathon Snyder, wants to also see him gone: “Having a Chairman who is willing to accept and then toast degrading remarks about women, homophobic slurs and juvenile behavior against anyone is unacceptable. For the sake of the CRNC, our candidates, and party I am calling on Alex Schriver to resign his post with the CRNC and end his campaign to become the next national chairman effective immediately."

McCaslin, who seems inebriated in the video, ironically makes a point of mentioning that "character counts." Indeed.

In my opinion, it's the moments like this - when people feel safe to be themselves - that are the most telling about a person's character. I think Mr. McCaslin revealed something true about himself here, not realizing this could come back to bite him in the butt. Life lesson.

(via Towleroad)

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