Sunday, December 3, 2017

Poll: 71% Of Alabama Republicans Say Roy Moore Allegations Are "False"

A new CBS News/YouGov poll shows 71% of Alabama Republicans believe the allegations of sexual misconduct by GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore are false.

In the last month of the special election, several women have come forward saying Moore made inappropriate sexual advances towards them when they were teenagers. The youngest was 14.

More stats from the survey:

• Among likely voters, Moore currently leads his Democratic challenger Doug Jones 49% to 43%

• Among all registered voters, the two candidates are tied indicating the winner will be decided by turnout

• 52% of Moore's supporters say they are voting for him to ensure a conservative vote in the Senate

• Less than half of Moore's supporters - 48% - say they are voting for him because they think he's the best person for the job

• Among Moore supporters, Donald Trump has a 96% approval rating

• 56% of registered voters in Alabama believe same-sex marriage should not be legal

That said, it should not surprise you that Alabama currently ranks 47th in the U.S. in terms of education.

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