Saturday, December 2, 2017

News Round-Up: December 2, 2017

Some news items you might have missed:

• Woofy Alex Abramov (above) says, "Everyone should believe in something. I believe I should go to the beach this weekend." You gotta admit, Alex wears the beach very, very well :)

• Analysis by Newsweek shows the current tax bill in the Senate would devastate support systems and services for LGBT Americans.

• Uri Kokia has come out as gay making him the first professional basketball player to come out as gay in Israel. In an interview, Kokia said, “I want to show you can make a long and glorious career as a gay man.”

• A father in Mills, Wyoming, is accused of attacking his 15-year-old gay son with a knife because the father disapproved of homosexuality.

• Republican Congressman Blake Farenthold of Texas, who prides himself as a "family values" politician used taxpayer funds to settle a sexual harassment case to the tune of $84,000. Farenthold had told his former communications director he had “sexual fantasies” and “wet dreams” about her.

• In related news, Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina reportedly used $150,000 in taxpayer money to settle a veteran-discrimination and retaliation claim with a former aide.

• Anthony Rapp has received a lot of social media attacks after telling his story of sexual misconduct by Kevin Spacey 30 years ago when Rapp was 14. Rather than fight back, Rapp decided to share them all with the world.

• Check out this touching holiday video featuring uber-cute pooch, Chobo.

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