Friday, May 8, 2015

Rep. Steve King: Same-Sex Marriage Will Throw US Into "Endless Trauma" Like Slavery

Rep. Steve King, speaking to Glenn Beck, says a SCOTUS ruling in favor of marriage equality will "throw this country into an endless trauma" similar to the issue of slavery.

Via Right Wing Watch:
"Dred Scott back in 1857, the court thought that they were going to solve the slavery question by telling Congress that they couldn't free the slaves and telling the county that slaves could never be citizens," King said. "They made that decision and that helped move us towards a civil war ... Then in 1866, there was a civil rights act; that wasn't enough to get the job done. There was the Thirteenth Amendment that freed the slaves. The Fourteenth Amendment that guaranteed them full citizenship and then we still were a hundred years before we got the Civil Rights Act."

"If all of that to eliminate slavery, do they really think that they can do what they're going to do to marriage, with one decision of the Supreme Court and society is going to accept that?" he asked. "Society is in for a long battle."
He goes on to say the "public" will not accept a decision making same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states. However, poll after poll shows support for marriage equality is up to 61% across the US.

So, King is merely taking his own opinions and offering them as facts. False facts.

Watch below: