Sunday, May 24, 2015

Las Vegas: Chippendales At Cowabunga Bay Water Park Official 2015 Opening

Hubby Michael in front with (from left) Sami, Mikey, Matt, Nathan and Johnny of The Chippendales

I'm still nursing my VERY painful tooth ache thing going on - not enough drugs in the world I'm guessing. More wine!

But hot hubby Michael is with The Chippendales at a public event taking place at Las Vegas' Cowabunga Bay Water Park today.

Let me repeat that - the hunky men of Chippendales getting wet at a water park.

I've asked for lots and lots of photos from the day :)

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Curtis, Mikey and Johnny get ready for a ride.
Talk about "wet and wild"... :)

The men of Chippendales celebrate Cowabunga Bay Water Park's official 2015 opening

From L to R: Sami, Johnny, Matt, Mikey, Curtis and Nathan
I mean, seriously...

I don't think the water park is used to guys this big... LOL

Nathan and Sami take a second to chill out