Sunday, May 24, 2015

George W. Bush Offered To Officiate A Same-Sex Wedding In 2013

According to the Washington Blade, former President George W. Bush offered to officiate a 2013 same-sex wedding in Kennebunkport, Maine, for lesbian couple Bonnie Clement and Helen Thorgalsen, according to a new article published in the Boston Globe.

As was widely reported before, the Boston Globe notes that former President George H.W. Bush made headlines when he attended their wedding in 2013.

According to reports at the time, George H.W. Bush served as a witness at the wedding.

But the article also reports something that has previously been undisclosed in the media: former President George W. Bush “offered to perform the ceremony but had a scheduling conflict.”

Some mornings, Bush drops into H.B. Provisions, a cozy general store owned by Bonnie Clement and her wife, Helen Thorgalsen (George H.W. Bush made international headlines when he attended their wedding in 2013; George W. Bush offered to perform the ceremony but had a scheduling conflict).

This would certainly be a big pivot for George W. considering during his presidency he supported a Federal Marriage Amendment to the US Constitution that would have outlawed same-sex marriage.

The Washington Blade reports reaching out to H.B. Provisions in Kennebunkport regarding the Boston Globe's assertion. Apparently, the person who answered the phone said, “There’s no story there. There’s nothing to tell. Please just leave me alone.”

I'll be curious to see if more confirmation comes along in the next few days.