Thursday, May 7, 2015

Bryan Fischer Demands Conservative Gay Commentator Be Fired

Earlier this week, I reported on the coming out of Guy Benson, political editor at the conservative website

Well, right on cue the American Family Association's reliable anti-gay asshat Bryan Fischer, who wasted no time in demanding that Benson now be fired from his position at because "gay."

Benson is young, smart, and articulate and often appears on Fox News as a pundit on all manner of political issues. This makes him particularly dangerous to the conservative cause.

Now I don’t know Mr. Benson, and he certainly seems like a particularly nice and friendly individual. But this is not about his personality. It’s about his politics.

Townhall, by the way, is owned by Salem Media Group, which describes its mission as “targeting audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values.” To my knowledge, Salem has yet to explain how paying an openly homosexual activist to be the political editor of its main public policy publication is consistent with this mission.

If Salem leadership is to be at all true to its own mission statement, Benson must be replaced. His values on homosexuality are not Christian, family-themed, or conservative.

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