Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Indiana: New Language Could Specify RFRA Cannot Be Used As Defense Of Discrimination

The Indianapolis Star is reporting on new language that is being vetted to "clarify" the recently passed "Religious Freedom Restoration Act" which has caused turmoil in the state and across the country.

A copy of the language obtained by The Indianapolis Star was being presented to Gov. Mike Pence Wednesday morning. The measure would specify that the new religious freedom law cannot be used as a legal defense to discriminate against residents based on their sexual orientation.

The measure goes much further than a "preamble" that was proposed earlier in the week, explaining exactly what the RFRA law does. But it doesn't go as far as establishing gays and lesbians as a protected class of citizens or repealing the law outright, both things that Republican leaders have said they could not support.

The clarification would say that the new "religious freedom" law does not authorize a provider – including businesses or individuals -- to refuse to offer or provide its services, facilities, goods, or public accommodation to any member of the public based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Churches or other nonprofit religious organizations would be exempt from the language.

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