Friday, November 14, 2014

Ohio Couples File Request For Appeal To SCOTUS On Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

The full US Supreme Court

The first of four expected appeals of the recent 6th Circuit Court ruling on same-sex marriage has been filed by Lambda Legal and the ACLU to the US Supreme Court by the plaintiffs from Ohio.

Those plaintiffs are comprised of married same-sex couples and widowers of men who have died and want their out-of-state marriages recognized by the state.

The appeal is predicated on the recent ruling by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals which upheld bans on same-sex marriage in four states.

The cases in Tennessee and Ohio focus on recognition of legal same-sex marriages conducted in other states, while the Kentucky and Michigan cases request full marriage equality.

The Supreme Court declined to review appeals from Utah, Oklahoma and Virginia earlier this year saying with no disagreement between federal appellate courts there was no need.

With the 6th Circuit's ruling which upheld the marriage bans in the four states, it's almost certain SCOTUS will grant review to at least one of the cases.

Tennessee's request is now filed, with Ohio and Michigan to follow suit on later today or Monday, according to Buzzfeed's Chris Geidner.

Presently, 32 states plus the District of Columbia allow same-sex marriage.

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