Saturday, September 6, 2014

Conservative haters: Same-sex marriage will make straight couples less monogamous

Matt Barber and Mat Staver, on their "Faith and Freedom" radio show, took this bizarre serpentine chat that somehow asserts that legalizing gay marriage will somehow result in straight couples becoming less monogamous.

I didn't realize I had such power!

From Right Wing Watch:

Staver argued that gay male couples are more likely to have open relationships, which they then used to bizarrely assert that letting gays get married would ultimately undermine the practice of monogamy within straight marriages.

"You start doing that in a marriage relationship with a man and a woman," Staver said, "and the woman's just not going to do it."

"We know that women serve to domesticate men," Barber added. "That's not an opinion, that's the social science that shows that women ultimately bring men into their role as father, as provider, and protector for the household and they domesticate men and that lends itself toward monogamy."

It goes without saying that what each committed couple does - gay or straight - in the privacy of their own relationship is their own business. And many heterosexual couples engage in "open relationships" and more, like swinging, anal sex (!), and lots of practices that some very conservative folks might find of the beaten (and very vanilla) path when it comes to sex.

This isn't a gay thing. It's a privacy thing. And a "none of your business" thing.

Mostly, the idea that allowing same-sex couples equal rights to marriage will somehow force a hetero married man to go looking for sex outside his marriage is absurd.

But then, this is Matt Barber and Mat Staver...

Listen to the soundbite below:

(via Right Wing Watch)

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