Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Kristin Chenoweth in Concert in Las Vegas

Kristin Chenoweth with audience member Ray Winters singing "For Good" from WICKED

I had a great time seeing the fab Kristin Chenoweth in concert last night at the Smith Center here in Las Vegas.

One of the highlights of the evening came when Kristin, as she now famously does, asked if a member of the audience knew the words and music to the duet "For Good" from her hit Broadway show WICKED.

Immediately, a voice yelled out "I know it!"

A male voice.

Kristin engaged the young man, Ray Winters, asking a few question about him and his background (Las Vegas native, currently studying musical theatre in NYC) before she said "well, I have to sing with you now."

Kristin shared that it was the first time in all the concerts she's welcomed someone from the audience up to sing the song that she had a male duet partner.

Ray did great (appropriate green shirt and all); the audience loved it.  Pretty fabulous moment.

Congrats Ray on a fine job.

Kristin sang a set-list that ranged the gamut from gospel, Christian, Broadway, country, disco and novelty numbers.  My favorite moments were from the Broadway catalog.  Highlights for me were "Bring Him Home" from Les Miserables; "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" from Phantom of the Opera; her songs from WICKED; a moving rendition of Dolly Parton's "I Will Always Love You;" and a terrific "Over the Rainbow" for her finale encore. 

Congrats to the luminous Kristin Chenoweth for a terrific evening directed by Richard Jay-Alexander. What a voice, what a night!

Just before the lights went down...

Kristin singing with audience member Ray Winters

At the end of the concert, Kristin popped open a bottle of champagne and shared with audience members

Kristin and company toasting the audience on New Year's Eve in Las Vegas


  1. What a special treat on New Years to see Kristin perform.

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  4. Another interesting tidbit? That video was filmed by a former Kristin Chenoweth "For Good" duet partner... me! I knew what was coming and I wanted to be sure that memory was preserved for whoever Kristin chose that night. Luckily, we were seated only a couple rows from each other and I was able to get him the video to post to his YouTube account. Another dream comes true!

  5. Thank you so much. Your kind words mean to absolute world to me. :)

  6. Thank you so much! Your kind words mean the world to me!


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