Friday, November 8, 2013

NOM's Brian Brown says ENDA will lead to "frivolous" things like keeping your job

NOM's Brian Brown is RILLY RILLY mad about ENDA
Writing on the National Organization for Marriage (which always strikes me as ironic since they are mainly AGAINST certain people getting married), Brian Brown writes about his deep disappointment that the US Senate passed ENDA this week trying to protect the gays from discrimination at work:

"We are very disappointed by the Senate's passage of this bill. While protecting people against discrimination is a very important goal, this legislation is problematic because of its broad and unclear definitions. Concepts like 'sexual orientation' and 'gender identity' are too vague to be a basis for such a law which could lead to individuals facing reprisals or even criminal action simply for expressing their values in the workplace.

"We are grateful for Speaker Boehner’s leadership in the House on this issue. He understands the kinds of frivolous lawsuits and bullying through litigation that could come about as the result of such a measure."

"Frivolous lawsuits?"  I guess, if keeping your job is considered "frivolous."

Speaking of keeping your job, Brian - it looks like yours may be coming to an end with all these states passing marriage equality all over the place...

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