The Vancouver Sun is reporting on a new HIV test that will be available starting on a limited basis in British Columbia that can detect HIV infection within one to two weeks, much earlier than standard tests:
“The test allows you to pick up infections very early, as soon as one to two weeks after a person is infected with HIV,” said study co-author Dr. Mark Gilbert, a physician epidemiologist, sexually transmitted infections, at the BCCDC.
“And we know that when people find out they’re HIV-positive, they take steps to ensure they don’t pass it on to others. So by letting people know they have HIV in the first two weeks after infection, at a time when they have the highest chance of passing on the virus, this means a great opportunity to reduce the spread of HIV.”
The HIV virus is often at peak levels right after initial infection as the human body begins to cope with the invading disease. That's part of the reason why the possibility of transmission to others is high at that point in time. Early detection, as with all diseases is key to controlling the disease.
More at the Vancouver Sun.