Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Minnesota: Marriage equality coming soon?

As we are still celebrating the passage of marriage equality in Delaware, Minnesota is on a fast track to same-sex marriage and could bring equality to the state by Sunday. reports on Thursday's vote in the state House:

House Speaker Paul Thissen, DFL-Minneapolis, said he believes the 73-member DFL majority has the 68 votes needed to pass the bill allowing same-sex couples to wed, even without a single Republican vote.

As of late Tuesday, no GOP House members have said publicly they would vote "yes."

Meanwhile, Senate Democratic leaders say they also have the votes to pass a same-sex marriage bill, and DFL Gov. Mark Dayton says he'll sign it.

If marriage equality passes the House as now expected, the Senate (where it's approval is also pretty much assured) could vote as early as Saturday.


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