Tuesday, November 20, 2012

San Diego mayor: Supporting marriage equality is "the most important thing I did"

I wasn't blogging at the time, but the 2007 video of San Diego Mayor jerry Sanders' tearful declaration that he had reversed on same-sex marriage went viral at the time. It is still very moving.

As regular readers of The Randy Report know, I feel marriage equality is one of the most important issues in today's political arena. I understand how difficult it is for some to reconcile the issue within themselves. Watching this video of Jerry Sanders, it's striking what emotions the topic brings to bear. I never make light of that, nor do I dismiss it.

Evolution is a slow but undaunted force.

Recently, outgoing Mayor Sanders explained to the Union-Tribune editorial board that supporting marriage equality was the "most important" thing he did as mayor:

Q: What about marriage equality for same-sex couples? [Sanders got national attention when he opposed many fellow Republicans who were backing a 2008 state ballot measure banning same-sex marriage. Sanders said his daughter Lisa, a lesbian, and gay members of his staff in committed relationships should have the same marriage rights as he and his wife. He later testified in the Perry vs. Schwarzenegger lawsuit that led to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturning Prop. 8.]

A: I still get emotional on this one. I think it’s the most important thing I did.

Q: Really, the most important thing you did?

A: Yeah. Equality isn’t something you can quantify. But it’s something that has to be there. I think it’s coming right away. The Supreme Court’s going to take up [the appeal of Prop. 8 supporters] and I think they’re going to let [gay marriage] stand in California because they don’t want to deal with it. The voters are going for it. Young people, that is not even in their concern list. We’re all taught from the day you start school, equality’s very important. And you look at the civil rights movements – this is exactly what this is. And so playing a little part in it, it’s been good.


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