Wednesday, November 21, 2012

President Obama pardons two turkeys for Thanksgiving and gives a nod to a third

President Obama continued the White House tradition of "pardoning" a turkey today. But he couldn't resist a nod to Mitt Romney's recent post-election "gifts" gaffe during the ceremony.
"They say that life is all about second chances and this November I can't agree more," Obama said. "So in the spirit of the season I have one more gift to give," Obama joked in apparent reference to Mitt Romney's claim after the election that Obama won by giving "gifts" to minority groups, Obama said he was going to pardon the National Thanksgiving Turkey, named Cobbler, and his stand-in, Gobbler. “The American people have spoken, and these birds are moving forward," he added.

The president closed by joking that Nate Silver had already predicted which turkey would be chosen.

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