Saturday, October 8, 2011

Kevin Richardson - The Lion Whisperer

Just watch. So beautiful.

Kevin Richardson is a zoologist and animal behavioralist who raises and trains lions at the Lion Park in Johannesburg, South Africa. Kevin uses instinct and love to create bonds with these animals.

His unique method of getting to know animal's individual personalities, what makes each of them angry, happy, upset, or irritated-just like a mother understands a child-has caused them to accept him like one of their own into their fold.

It is here he has been working on the dramatic feature film called White Lion, a project years in the making and released in October 2010.

White Lion was nominated and won for several awards at the South African Film and Television Awards including Best Cinematography /DOP in a feature film (Michael Swan), Best Music Composition in a feature film (Phillip Miller) and Best Sound Design in a feature film (Ivan Millborrow, Nicky De Beer and Charlotte Buys).

Read more about Kevin at

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