Monday, September 19, 2011

Prop 8: Federal judge orders trial tapes released

A federal judge has ordered the unsealing of a video of the court trial that resulted in California's ban on gay marriage being ruled unconstitutional.

"No compelling reasons exist for continued sealing of the digital recording of the trial, U.S. District Court Judge James Ware said in a decision issued Monday. He stayed his decision, which is posted here, until September 30 to allow for any appeal.

Same-sex marriage opponents had sought to keep the trial recording under wraps, citing what they contended were assurances from the judge who handled the trial and later retired, Vaughn Walker. Those opposing public release of the video also argued that release was effectively barred by a Supreme Court order overturning plans for a live, closed-circuit broadcast of the trial to various courthouses across the country.

However, Judge Ware said that the Supreme Court ruling didn't amount to a requirement to seal the video and that the recording had been used both by the judge and at trial.
(more at Politico)

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