Sunday, January 27, 2019

SNL Cold Open: Steve Martin Guests As Newly-Indicted Roger Stone

SNL's cold open recapped the week's biggest political stories including Donald Trump's failure to get even one dollar for his beloved border wall before ending the longest government shutdown in history.

From the YouTube description: Tucker Carlson (Alex Moffat), Jeannine Pirro (Cecily Strong), Ann Coulter (Heidi Gardner), Wilbur Ross (Kate McKinnon) talk about the government shutdown and Roger Stone (Steve Martin) stops by to talk about his arrest.

Riffing on his recent gaffe wondering why furloughed government workers were struggling to make ends meet during the shutdown, McKinnon's Ross says, “I simply meant that there are other ways of getting money - like, they could have liquidated some of their stocks or sold one of their paintings.”

“Even if they sold a lesser Picasso, that’s still going to get you through a week or two of yacht maintenance,” McKinnon as Ross said. “We all have to make sacrifices in times of hardship. For example, instead of going out to dinner you could open a restaurant in your house, or, for a period of time, you could have your horses attend public school.”

And Martin was spot on as Roger Stone mocking the political operative for being a “broke… feeble old man” who is drowning in legal fees and can’t get anyone to buy his books (“because they’re bad!”).

“Just tell people how they can donate money to help you,” Carlson says.

“I set up a donation pageant based on a phrase people have been yelling at me: ‘Hey, Roger, go fund yourself!’” says Martin's Stone.

Watch the clip below.

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