Some news items you might have missed:
• Who's getting ready for Christmas? (image via Instagram)
• Michael Critchfield, a transgender boy in West Virginia, was harassed while using the boys room at his high school by a vice principal. According to reports, Lee Livengood, the vice principal, kept yelling over the bathroom stall door, "Why are you in this bathroom?" Even though the bathroom was empty, the encounter left Critchfield in tears.
• After suggesting that immigrants are making America "dirtier" last week, Fox News host Tucker Carlson has lost 14 advertising sponsors to date.
• The White House has now signaled it will back off a threat of shutting down the federal government if Donald Trump doesn't get the funds he wants to build his infamous wall along the Mexican border. Wasn't Mexico was going to pay for the wall???
• Earlier today I wrote about the passing of director and actress Penny Marshall, but you really should click over to Matt Rettenmund's much more comprehensive obituary at Gr8erDays. Matt knows his TV history like no one.
• Queer as Folk is getting the reboot treatment on Bravo! According to my Instinct Magazine colleague, Mickey Keating, we’re getting all new characters in a new setting which follows a group of club going friends who find support in the gay community after a tragedy.
• Gus Kenworthy wins the award for yesterday's funniest tweet after Donald Trump accidentally referenced a gay movie in one of his Twitter rants.
Accidentally mentioning Paris Is Burning is the closest that Trump has ever gotten to supporting LGBTQ people...— Gus Kenworthy (@guskenworthy) December 18, 2018