Sunday, October 14, 2018

SNL Cold Open: Kanye West Visits The Oval Office

Last night's cold open on SNL took on the wild and wacky rollercoaster that was Kanye West visiting the Oval Office this week.

“So in conclusion, 13th Amendment, Chi-Raq, trap doors lead to the Unabomber, male energy, Trump is my dad, Hillary’s a woman and the media needs to start making this President look good,” concludes Chris Redd's 'Kanye.'

“I love you Kanye,” Alec Baldwin’s Trump chimed in. “We have a lot more in common than people know. We’re both geniuses, we’re both married to beautiful women and we both definitely have been recorded saying the ‘n-word.'”

Kinda hard to put the skit into words as it pretty much captures the off event.

Over 3 million views in 12 hours. Watch below.

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