Thursday, October 11, 2018

Melania Trump: "I'm The Most Bullied Person In The World"

In a newly released interview excerpt of First Lady Melania Trump speaking to ABC News reporter Tom Llamas (set to air on Friday), she defends her work with her 'Be Best' anti-bullying initiative saying she sees herself as a victim of bullying.

Yes, the wife of one of the world's richest men and president of the United States feels she is one of the most bullied people in the world.

Are you f*cking kidding me???

In the clip, she shares, “I could say I’m the most bullied person in the world. One of them — if you really see what people [are] saying about me.”

It is stunning to read this as the world recognizes National Coming Out Day. A day when so many closeted LGBTQ people of all ages stand up to be their authentic selves even in the face of brutal physical and emotional bullying.

And the First Lady says she's "the most bullied person in the world?" Who or how is she so powerfully bullied? Folks tweet mean things at her?

Normally I leave the family members of politicians alone, but this is really ridiculous.

I've seen bullying in my time. Trust me, a few mean tweets are nothing to being stalked in high school, threatened verbally on a daily basis and physically attacked in front of your classmates.

The citizens of the Twitterverse were none too taken with Ms. Trump's woe-is-me act.

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