Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Coming Out At 85, This Senior Attends His First Pride


Martin waited 85 years to come out and live his authentic life.

In the short video "Live True To Yourself," Martin teams up with 5 Gum for their #NoRegrets campaign.

"It's not the things we do we regret. It's the things we didn't do."

Speaking to the camera, Martin shares, "It's tough to be an outsider."

"I regret being such a sissy. So nervous. So bloody shy.

"I've left it until 85 years old to really, basically, come out. I've missed the boat in regards to finding a lovely partner. A soul mate that I could love, live with.

"If you want to set up, date a young guy - go ahead. Do it. You've got it. You owe it to yourself. And to him."

Martin's message touched teenagers and young adults who shared with him how his story inspired them to be who they truly are. They made a short film capturing important, authentic moments in their lives, like marriage proposals and coming out, for the 85-year-young Martin.

And, they took Martin to his first Pride Festival. Check out his face - pure joy.

Martin's final piece of wisdom?

"Go to it. Be together. It's wonderful."
