Thursday, March 1, 2018

Trump: "Take The Guns First, Go Through Due Process Second"

During a meeting with Democratic and Republican lawmakers, Donald Trump surprised many when he suggested taking people's guns away - whether or not it was legal.

From HuffPost:

For years, the National Rifle Association has been warning gun-loving Americans of a president who will take away their firearms, no matter what the Second Amendment says.

On Wednesday, that conservative nightmare became a reality when the current Republican U.S. president, Donald Trump, proposed taking away people’s guns, even without the legal right to do so.

“Take the guns first. Go through due process second,” Trump said at a meeting with Democratic and Republican lawmakers at the White House. “I like taking the guns early.”

Trump said law enforcement officers should specifically have taken the firearms possessed by Nikolas Cruz, the suspected gunman in the Feb. 14 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida.

“I think they should have taken them away, whether they had the right or not,” he said.

Imagine if President Obama had said out loud, "Take the guns."

So, umm, Trumpers - how do you feel about the Trumpeter wanting to "take guns first; do due diligence second?"

Trump surprisingly shamed lawmakers on the age of buying an assault weapon at 18 but not having legal rights to a hand gun until 21 years-old.

"You don't address it... you know why? Because you're afraid of the NRA, right?" Trump said today.