Thursday, March 22, 2018

Trump: "Crazy Joe Biden" Would Go Down "Fast And Hard" If We Faced Off

Donald Trump (L) and Joe Biden (R)

Earlier this week, former Vice President Joe Biden told an audience that he might have "beat the hell out of" Donald Turmp if they were in high school regarding Trump's lewd comments about women in the now-infamous "Access Hollywood" video.

“They asked me would I like to debate this gentleman, and I said no. I said, ‘If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him,” Biden shared with the crowd at the University of Miami.

I'm guessing Trump ate his Wheaties (although that sounds awfully healthy for him) this morning, because he was feeling a rough and tough about Biden tweeting "Crazy Joe Biden" would actually "go down fast and hard" if they actually faced off.

Biden is rumored to be considering a White House run in 2020 which is probably what really set Trump off.

I won't even get into the "less-than-presidential" thing with Trump.

But no one trolls Trump like former White House photographer Pete Souza: