Monday, February 20, 2017

News Round-Up: February 20, 2017

Happy Presidents Day! (image via Pete Souza)

Some news items you may have missed:

• How did you celebrate Presidents Day? Or was it more a #NotMyPresident Day for you?

• Rumors are swirling that loathsome conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopolous could be fired soon from Breitbart website for his "man-boy-pedophilia comments" on the Drunken Peasants podcast last year.

• The Trump administration is set Tuesday to rescind Obama administration guidance to schools barring discrimination against transgender students and ensuring they have access to the restroom consistent with their gender identity. #Shameful

• Virginia state House of Delegates approves a "religious freedom" bill - HB 2025 - that would legalize LGBT discrimination in the name of religion. Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe has promised to veto the legislation.

President Trump finally found someone to take the job of National Security Adviser.

• Check out royally ripped Charlie Hunnam in this new trailer for King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (release date May 12)