Tuesday, April 12, 2016

North Carolina: Gov. McCrory Issues Executive Order Protecting State LGBT Employees

This is basically a symbolic gesture that brings little relief to North Carolina's LGBTs.

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory signed an executive order today attempting to do some damage control in the aftermath of his state's hideous anti-LGBT law, HB2.

The executive order "affirms" that North Carolina state LGBT employees are protected from discrimination in the work place. Private businesses, however, are still free to fire employees for being LGBT.

It also says that "when practicable in the best judgement of the agency," the state shall provide single occupancy bathrooms for those with "special circumstances." That would be transgender folks I imagine. Note the "when practicable" and "best judgement" clauses there.

ACLU of North Carolina Acting Executive Director Sarah Preston is underwhelmed:

“Gov. McCrory’s actions today are a poor effort to save face after his sweeping attacks on the LGBT community, and they fall far short of correcting the damage done when he signed the harmful House Bill 2 into law which stigmatizes and mandates discrimination against gay and transgender people. With this executive order, LGBT individuals still lack legal protections from discrimination, and transgender people are still explicitly targeted by being forced to use the wrong restroom.

“An impressive and growing number of businesses, faith leaders, and public figures have come out to condemn House Bill 2 as an unnecessary and dangerous measure that unfairly targets gay and transgender people. Regardless of political affiliation, more and more political leaders also understand that discrimination is bad for business and politically toxic. The public believes in equality and fairness and House Bill 2 and measures like it are out of step with the values of most Americans.

“Efforts to divide the LGBT community by extending limited protections but leaving in place the rules mandating discrimination against the transgender community will only strengthen our resolve to fight back against this discriminatory and misguided legislative action. We call on Gov. McCrory and the North Carolina legislature to repeal House Bill 2 and replace it with full non-discrimination protections for all LGBT people.”

From Rea Carey, Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund:

“Governor McCrory’s executive order today is too little too late. It is like trying to solve a massive life threatening injury with a small band-aid that doesn’t come close to covering the wound. Complete repeal of HB2 and the passage of comprehensive statewide non-discrimination legislation are the only actions that will provide real, strong protections for all the LGBTQ people of North Carolina."

Watch Gov. McCrory share the big news below. In addressing the current backlash to HB2, McCrory takes a moment to smack those who protest the anti-LGBT law:

“After listening to people’s feedback for the past several weeks on this issue, I have come to the conclusion that there is a great deal of misinformation, misinterpretation, confusion, a lot of passion and frankly, selective outrage and hypocrisy, especially against the great state of North Carolina. Based upon this feedback, I am taking action to affirm and improve the state’s commitment to privacy and equality.”

You see, all of those who are against the divisive legislation are simply wrong due to our "misinformation, misinterpretation, and confusion." The problem is our “selective outrage and hypocrisy.”


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