Friday, January 23, 2015

Fired Atlanta Fire Chief Files Religious Discrimination Charges

Fired Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran has filed a complaint against the city of Atlanta for religious discrimination, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Kelvin became a national story recently because he was terminated for proselytizing subordinates at work by handing out a faith-based self-published book condemning homosexual acts as “vile, vulgar and inappropriate.”

During a month-long suspension, Cochran was warned not to speak out about the issue while it was being investigated. He did so anyway.

At the time of the firing, Mayor Reed said, “His religious (beliefs) are not the basis of the problem. His judgment is the basis of the problem.”

Cochran swore out the complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleging violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by the City of Atlanta on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Attorney Jonathan Crumly filed an EEOC complaint Wednesday on behalf of Cochran, who was fired this month after complaints about his self-published 2013 book, “Who Told You You Are Naked?” “Americans are guaranteed the freedom to live without fear of losing their jobs because of their beliefs and thoughts. We are continuing to evaluate all available legal options to vindicate Chief Cochran after his unjust termination,” said Crumly, who is allied with the group Alliance Defending Freedom that has rallied to Cochran’s defense.

Talking Points Memo reports Mayor Reed had this to say about the complaint:

"He can get all of the lawyers he wants so that he can continue to have publicity and sell books, but he's going to lose the legal case," Reed told local TV station WAGA. "What is not disputed is he never communicated with me, the chief executive officer, prior to the publication of the book. It's clearly out of bounds."

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