Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Indiana files official appeal for review of same-sex marriage ban with US Supreme Court

After losing 3-0 at the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals last week, Indiana's Attorney General has filed an official appeal with the US Supreme Court regarding same-sex marriage in the state.

From (ironically) WISHTV.com:

“[We ask] whether the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment permit States to define marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman, [and] whether the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses permit States to treat as void same-sex marriages from other jurisdictions,” the appeal reads.

Most interesting is the fact that Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller says the marriage ban does NOT target homosexuals:

From Zoeller's brief: "The court does not, and cannot, justify the assertion that Indiana’s definition of marriage targets homosexuals. The statue itself makes no mention of sexual orientation, and as the case record in this case amply demonstrates, homosexuals often do marry members of the opposite sex in Indiana."

You can read the request below.

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