Friday, August 8, 2014

National Organization for Marriage boycotts Target for supporting equal rights

The ironically named National Organization for Marriage has launched a boycott of Target department stores due to the company's recently announced support for same-sex marriage.

In the past, NOM has called for similar boycotts of companies like Starbucks, General Mills, and J.P. Morgan Chase for their support of LGBT causes.

Brian Brown writes for the NOMblog:

On Tuesday, the retail giant Target signed on to an amicus brief for the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in two pending cases challenging the definition of marriage in Indiana and Wisconsin. Target joins with a number of other companies in signing the brief, including the Starbucks Coffee Company. But it is the spirit behind the brief, and its language, which are most noteworthy.

The brief uses extremely charged language to refer to laws defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman. It calls them "the states' bans [on same-sex marriage]" and, even more radically, "marriage discrimination" laws! Without providing any rationale at all, the brief states bluntly that "Same-sex couples should have the same right to marry as opposite-sex couples," and refers to Indiana and Wisconsin's traditional marriage laws as "an unproductive, inequitable, and unjust status quo."...

Target and other companies need to be forced to realize that it is their alignment with the radical cause of redefining marriage that is "bad for business"--not states' marriage laws that uphold and protect the common-sense idea that kids do best with a mom and a dad! So I'm announcing a new boycott today, against Target, for insulting consumers like you and me. The brief they signed in court this week insinuates that people like you and me, who would vote to uphold traditional marriage, as akin to segregationists and racial bigots. Would you want to shop at a place that viewed you in that way?...

Target and its peers in the corporate world need to realize that the countless Americans who believe in marriage as the union of a man and a woman will not stand for being insulted and demeaned.

It should be noted that in the past these boycotts have had exactly the opposite effect NOM is looking for.

For instance, Starbucks' stock has risen more than 42% since NOM began it's failed "boycott."

Companies must be lighting candles in prayer that NOM will boycott them...

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