Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Rush Limbaugh: I never called for Obama's impeachment (except when I did three weeks ago)

Rush Limbaugh is complaining that he has never called for President Obama's impeachment, and CNN is unfairly lumping him in with other right wing lunatics who have.

From Media Matters:

On the July 15 edition of CNN's CNN Tonight, senior Washington correspondent Joe Johns highlighted Rush Limbaugh's attacks against President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder, likening his "combative tone" to Sarah Palin's call for impeachment.

Limbaugh responded on the July 16 edition of his radio show, insisting that the news segment unfairly lumped him in to an extreme group, saying "I haven't spoken in favor of impeachment," and "I never talked about [Obama] being born in Kenya":

Except, he TOTALLY did. Take a listen to a clip from Rush's June 24th show:

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