Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Houston Mayor Annise Parker over criticism that she married long-time partner: "Get over it"

Houston Mayor Annise Parker recently took four days off to marry her longtime partner Kathy Hubbard in Palm Springs.

Typically, Texas Republicans went on the attack saying her marriage was politically motivated, KHOU reports.

GOP State Senator Dan Patrick, currently running in a tough primary for Lt. Governor, said this of Mayor Parker's nuptials:

“I am not shocked that Mayor Parker decided to elope to California for a marriage that is unconstitutional in Texas. This is obviously part of a larger strategy of hers to turn Texas into California.”

Parker responded to the criticism: "Dan Patrick’s running a political campaign. And he wants to make the gay community a whipping boy in that political campaign. And he thought I was an appropriate target. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. And I don’t think that’s unusual....

Critics questioned the timing of her wedding, observing it occurred only weeks after being sworn into office for her final term. Mayor Parker pointed out that the couple married on what they have always considered their anniversary - January 16th - the date when they privately committed themselves to each other.

Says Parker, "You don't commit 23 years of your life to someone to make a political statement...I took four days off. I had to leave my home state and make a little wedge of time to marry the woman I love. They can get over it."

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