Tuesday, November 19, 2013

NOM ended 2012 with huge deficit and big losses

The anti-gay, anti-equal rights National Organization for Marriage and its affiliated “Education Fund” combined to spend more than $16.5 million in 2012, according to the groups’ newly released tax filings. More than $6 million of this money went to fight against same-sex marriage in seven states — six of which now have marriage equality — as well as numerous other failed political efforts.

While the NOM Education Fund (its 501(c)(3) arm) ended the year with about $1.6 million in the bank, NOM’s main 501(c)(4) account ended 2012 more than $2.7 million in debt.

A large portion of the money went to fund the failed campaigns in Minnnesota, Washington, Maine, and Maryland. NOM also gave $425K to fund the successful constitutional ban in North Carolina.

Despite the seven-figure deficit, NOM increased the salaries of its key employees from 2011 to 2012.

More at Talking Points Memo

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