Wednesday, August 21, 2013

San Antonio council woman Elise Chan doubles down on anti-gay "disgusting" statements

San Antonio council member Elisa Chan has made a much-awaited full-length statement regarding her homophobic comments, exposed by a secret recording last week.

In a staff strategy session, Chan was caught saying homosexuality is “against nature” and that gay people shouldn’t be granted adoption rights, among other controversial comments.  Chan attributed her absence in the days after the fallout to an out-of-town family trip. During the City Hall press conference Tuesday morning, Chan continued to defend her remarks as protected under free speech and privacy rights.

“I know that many people find the comments made in the meeting offensive, but again it was a confidential meeting set in the privacy of my office where none of us are supposed to worry about what we say,” said Chan. “These meetings have been and will always be a free-speech zone.”

“There are additional comments you are aware of that reflect my belief system. My belief system is mine and it does not mean I want to impose those beliefs onto anyone else,” she said. “Even though the LGBT community and I do not share the same views, I respect and support their personal freedoms and right to their lifestyle.”

“I will however, not change my own values or beliefs for political gain or survival; I would not expect that of anyone else. I stand firm in my right to have my private views in a private conversation,” said Chan, to loud applause from the audience, many of whom wore blue clothing– symbolizing their opposition to the LGBT equality ordinance.

“Political correctness will not win this day; standing firm as an individual in service to the whole community does,” she added.

An apology was not issued.


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