Thursday, January 10, 2013

TV ad demonstrates why "faggot" is unacceptable

The No Homophobes Campaign recently released a television ad meant to counter the still offense but often used word "faggot."

From PinkNews: The TV commercial bleeps over obviously unacceptable swearwords and other forms of abuse until a woman says “gay faggot”. The advert then asks “when will homophobic language be unacceptable too?”

Last year the campaign published Twitter tracking figures to show that the word “faggot” was used more than 2.5 million times between July and September 2012. In just one week, it was in 219,000 tweets.

Dr Kristopher Wells, the University of Albertaʼs Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services associate director said: “We no longer tolerate racist language, weʼre getting better at dealing with sexist language, but sadly we still see and hear homophobic and transphobic language in our society."

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