Friday, August 10, 2012

So you still think homosexuality is sinful?

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Excellent flow chart of questions and answers on the issue of "why gays shouldn't be allowed to marry?"

I especially like the last answer and it's response:

"Because it just disgusts me, dangit!"

"Props for being honest.  However a whole population of people shouldn't have their families discriminated against just because you think gay sex is icky.  Grow up!"



  1. The bible never defines marriage as one man and many women or a rapist and his victims. That kind of stuff definitely happened in the bible but it's very well known that everyone involved in that stuff was in the wrong, and it was never accepted. And the Old Testament laws passed on with Christ dying on the cross, so we as Christians do not have to abide by those laws.. I'm not trying to create arguments or anything, but whoever created this is completely wrong on his theology and it misrepresents Christians on an astounding level, and really bugs me.

  2. Well, one of the problems here is you mention the Old Testament laws passed on with Christ dying on the cross. And yet, one of the favorite religious arguments against homosexuality comes in Leviticus 18:22, which is in the Old Testament. So why do "christians" use that to denounce gays and lesbians if those laws "passed on with Christ"?

    Also, many men in the Bible had multiple wives. Jacob for example. God didn't smite him for that. Having many wives was widely accepted in the Bible.

    Sec­ond Book of Chron­i­cles 13:21: "But Abi­jah grew mighty. And he took four­teen wives and had twenty-​two sons and six­teen daugh­ters."

    Read the rest of chap­ter thir­teen to get the full pic­ture of Abi­jah; when you do, you’ll come away with the dis­tinct impres­sion that God was on his side.

    Despite all that we’re told about Abi­jah, it is telling that we’re never given a hint of dis­ap­proval regard­ing his hav­ing mul­ti­ple wives.

    When you say Christians are misrepresented on an astounding level, are you saying Christians don't disapprove of homosexuality?

    I'm not trying to argue either. I'd would love to understand. I really mean that.

  3. And here I think I'm pretty charming :)

  4. Yes, and your intolerance of the beliefs of others is quite charming. It's taking all my restraint not to stalk you, Mr. Phallus. Have a wonderful day!


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