Thursday, June 14, 2012

Janice Daniels, mayor of Troy, MI, can't stop putting her foot in her mouth

Janice Daniels, the mayor of Troy, MI, compared being gay to smoking cigarettes on a recent talk-show appearance, according to CBS Detroit.

Last December Daniels earned the ire of many—and finds herself facing a recall effort—after she posted on Facebook “I think I am going to throw away my I Love New York carrying bag now that queers can get married there.”

That little dig cost Daniels her job at the real-estate company Century 21, even though she claimed, “I know that as mayor, I represent all of the people in this city.” Organizers of the recall effort against Daniels submitted 9,300 signatures to the city’s Election Division this week. (They only needed 7,985.)

Not realizing she should’ve quit while she was behind, Daniels went on Charlie Langton’s morning talk show on Radio 1270 to “explain” herself.

"What I said while I was mayor … I was in a business meeting, I come from a business perspective … I said that I would bring a doctor into a meeting that would say that the homosexual lifestyle is dangerous,” Daniels said, adding, “Had I been with a group of smokers I might have said I would like to bring a doctor into this meeting to say that smoking is dangerous.”

When Langton asked Daniels if she thought being gay was “dangerous,” she replied “I think that doctors can make a case for it certainly,”but said she personally “had no opinion” on it.

Determined to make every faux pas in the book, Daniels even trotted out the “some of my best friends are gay” card. Well, her version of it, anyway:

“I am refinancing a home mortgage for a man who I would suspect could potentially be homosexual and we get along famously … In fact he brought papers into the office the other day and we actually grabbed each other’s arms and kind of stood together in solidarity because we’re refinancing his home loan …”

Wow - isn't she swell?

Via Queerty


  1. God bless America. I believe everyone has the right to their own opinion, but perhaps the Mayor should excercise her right to keep her opinions to herself.

  2. The more she talks, the better it is for the recall. The group is now in funding mode to offset what we believe will happen as we near November. As in the past, Janice and her supporters will stop at nothing to get their way. They have lied and put fear into voters (especially the seniors). Please pass the word, we need to stop this now. She has got to go. I have lived proudly in Troy for 38 yrs. Now we are embarrassed by this inept person.

  3. The more she talks, the better it is for the recall. The group is now in funding mode to offset what we believe will happen as we near November. As in the past, Janice and her supporters will stop at nothing to get their way. They have lied and put fear into voters (especially the seniors). Please pass the word, we need to stop this now. She has got to go. I have lived proudly in Troy for 38 yrs. Now we are embarrassed by this inept person.

  4. Janice tried to challenge the recall petitions by challenging the "font" size and was rejected for three reasons, one of which was she did not make her challenge in the required time frame. That should tell you something about her smarts! She also brought in someone from the Michigan Family Association to talk about the dangers of homosexuality at the city council meeting. This has to stop. She needs to be set up as an example. Help us rid our city and the nation of one more bigoted politician. For more information, please visit Together we can make a statement!


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