Thursday, November 3, 2011

650,000 Americans Joined Credit Unions Last Month

One of the tactics the 99 Percenters are using to take back the country from the 1 percent is to move their money from big banks to credit unions, community banks, and other smaller financial unions that aren’t gambling with our nation’s future.

Now, the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) reports that a whopping 650,000 Americans have joined credit unions since Sept. 29 — the date that Bank of America announced it would start charging a $5 monthly debit fee, a move it backed down on this week.

To put that in perspective, there were only 600,000 new members for credit unions in all of 2010. “These results indicate that consumers are clearly making a smarter choice by moving to credit unions where, on average, they will save about $70 a year in fewer or no fees, lower rates on loans and higher return on savings,” said CUNA President Bill Cheney.

Just two weeks ago, we opened a new account at a credit union here in Las Vegas.  I suggest folks explore the options.  Big banks took a huge bailout, paid themselves huge bonuses and continue to add hidden fees to take advantage of middle and lower income families.  Check out your local credit union today.

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