Sunday, February 20, 2011

Olivia's New Cook Book - LIVwise

Olivia Newton-John is a woman who radiates health, positivity and wellbeing. She is often asked, ‘how do you do it?’

In Livwise, Olivia explains her belief in the importance of eating a healthy diet in order to maintain wellness and balance. This book will introduce you to ways of eating and living that will keep you in good health and happiness.

Click here to order.

These simple, wholesome, tasty recipes are the ones Olivia loves to cook for her family — some created in her own kitchen and others contributed by friends and chefs at her Australian health retreat, Gaia.

From delicious salads and snacks to hearty mains and guilt-free desserts, the recipes in Livwise offer a perfect balance of flavour, goodness and vitality.

Click here to order.