Tuesday, July 2, 2019

'Straight Pride Parade' Organizers: We Were 'Terrorized' By Glitter

(stock photo: Vinicius Vilela via Pexels)

The organizers of Boston’s so-called “Straight Pride Parade” say that they were targeted with “suspicious packages in the mail” that ended up containing… Glitter!

In early June, an organization called Super Happy Fun America, which says it is “committed to creating spaces for people of all identities to embrace the vibrancy of the straight community,” announced their event.

Their mission statement declares, “We believe that true diversity is only possible when people of all sexual orientations are free to celebrate their lifestyles.”

The city of Boston approved the group’s 'Straight Pride' event application after Super Happy Fun America threatened to sue.

One of the main organizers, Samson Racioppi, told CNN he found an envelope in his mailbox on Monday.

"I went out to my mailbox and there was an envelope in there with my name and address, no return address, the back was very heavily taped up and when I shook it I heard stuff shaking around inside," Racioppi told CNN.

After calling authorities, a hazmat team evacuated his neighbors homes and closed traffic down his street.

Racioppi reached out to his co-organizers, including Mark Sahady, Vice President of Super Happy Fun America.

Sahady found a similar package at his home. He described the contents as a “sand-like substance.”

But when the envelope was examined by experts, the contents were revealed to be glitter and a hand-written note.

Glitter, folks. Glitter.

Kristen Setera, a spokesman for the FBI, told CNN the bureau does not believe the packages (of glitter) “pose a threat to public safety” but the investigation is ongoing.

Folks in the LGBTQ media have called the idea of the parade, tentatively scheduled for August 31, homophobic.

Super Happy Fun America’s president, John Hugo, dismisses the criticism saying the event is “not anti-gay but pro-straight.”

“Straight people are an oppressed majority," states on the group's official website. "We will fight for the right of straights everywhere to express pride in themselves without fear of judgement and hate."

Because the 4.5 percent of the U.S. population that is estimated to be LGBTQ are 'oppressing' the other 95 percent. Uh-huh.

Controversial homocon Milo Yiannopolous is scheduled to be the grand marshal for the event that’s predicted to draw 2,000 participants.