Monday, July 1, 2019

News Round-Up: July 1, 2019

"And what your name is...?"

Some news items you might have missed:

• Don't know who today's hottie (above) is, but sure wish I did... #woof #DaddyDefined

NewNowNext: A survey of Pride Month media coverage shows LGBTQ reports don't even come close to making up at least the 4.5% that we do in the population.

NY Daily News: City Council Speaker Corey Johnson announced $19M in new LGBT programs for his city.

• The Hill: The prediction model that accurately predicted Democratic gains in the House four months before the 2018 midterm elections says President Trump will lose Electoral College 278-197 in 2020.

Gallup Polling: U.S. adults greatly overestimate the American gay population - most guess 23.6% of Americans are gay or lesbian when most reliable reports say 4.5% of Americans are LGBT.

• Donald Trump boasted about having "new Sherman tanks" for his upcoming commandeering of the July 4th celebration in Washington, D.C.

Btw - the last Sherman tank was made in 1945, and haven't been in service since 1957.