Wednesday, July 3, 2019

$2.5 Million From National Park Service Diverted To Trump July 4 Event

The Washington Post reports the National Park Service is moving almost $2.5 million, earmarked for improvements to parks across the country, to be used in accommodating Donald Trump's "Salute to America" event on July 4 in Washington, D.C.
Donald Trump
The Washington Post reports the National Park Service is moving almost $2.5 million, earmarked for improvements to parks across the country, to be used in accommodating Donald Trump's July 4 campaign rally "Salute to America" event in Washington, D.C.

The diverted park fees represent just a fraction of the extra costs the government faces as a result of the event, which will include displays of military hardware, flyovers by an array of jets including Air Force One, the deployment of tanks on the Mall and an extended pyrotechnics show.

By comparison, according to former Park Service deputy director Denis P. Galvin, the entire Fourth of July celebration on the Mall typically costs the agency about $2 million.

Bolding is mine.

Trump tweeted today that the cost of his 'ego rally' will be "very little."

The Donald says we already own the planes, pay the pilots and the airport is so close, the only real cost is the jet fuel.

Democratic lawmakers have objected to Trump's 'take-over' of the annual Independence Day celebration saying he's turning the event into a campaign rally.

The Republican National Committee has confirmed that it has received, and is handing out, VIP tickets to their donors and political appointees.

The Democratic National Committee has not received any tickets or passes of any kind.

According to the Post, Trump still owes the District of Columbia $7 million for his January 2017 inauguration.