Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Trump "Apologizes" To Brett Kavanaugh, Falsely Claims He Was "Proven Innocent"

At a ceremonial swearing in at the White House last night, Donald Trump falsely claimed that newly-installed Justice Brett Kavanaugh had been "proven innocent" of the allegations of sexual misconduct brought against him by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

Trump claimed the allegations were based on "lies and deceptions."

Said Trump:

“On behalf of our nation, I want to apologize to Brett and the entire Kavanaugh family for the terrible pain and suffering you have been forced to endure. Those who step forward to serve our country deserve a fair and dignified evaluation, not a campaign of personal and political destruction based on lies and deception.

"What happened to the Kavanaugh family violates every notion of fairness, decency and due process. In our country, a man or a woman must always be presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

"And with that, I must state that you, sir, under historic scrutiny, were proven innocent.”

The Trumpster literally can't stop himself from lying, as if by saying something over and over again he can create his own reality.