Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Trump Takes Credit For World-Wide Air Travel Safety

This morning Donald Trump found another statistic for which to take credit.

In 2017, there were no commercial air travel-related deaths anywhere in the world.

The Trumpster immediately shouldered the credit tweeting, "Since taking office I have been very strict on Commercial Aviation. Good news - it was just reported that there were Zero deaths in 2017, the best and safest year on record!"

There were two crashes on New Year’s Eve but were not officially counted in the report as both aircraft weighed under 5,700kg — the threshold for the report from aviation consultancy firm To70.

In that the report was about world-wide air travel, I'm not sure how much influence Trump has over all that.

But as several smart folks noted, there hasn't been a death related to commercial air flight in the U.S. since 2009.

So - #ThanksObama