Sunday, December 3, 2017

News Round-Up: December 3, 2017

(via Instagram)

Some news items you might have missed:

• Fitness guy Dominick makes for all kinds of sexy Santa. Looks like he's got a nicely wrapped package to deliver, too ;)

• The Human Rights Campaign has wisely chosen to endorse Nevada Congresswoman Jacky Rosen as she begins her campaign to challenge GOP Sen. Dean Heller in next year's election. The HRC writes, in part, "She has been an outspoken critic of the Trump-Pence Administration's assault on LGBTQ equality, from revoking discrimination protections for transgender children in public schools, to attempting to render the LGBTQ community invisible in the U.S. census."

• A gay man standing outside a McDonalds in Buenos Aires, Argentina, was viciously attacked by seven men. The man had to be treated in the hospital for a broken cheekbone and damage to his eye.

• Last month, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Alabama Republican Roy Moore wasn't fit to serve in the U.S. Senate. Today, McConnell flip-flopped saying the people of Alabama should make that call. #SaveThatMajorityAtAnyCost

• MSNBC's Joy Reid has apologized after blog posts from ten years ago surfaced wherein she often referred to former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist as "Miss." Crist has long been rumored to be a closet-case.

• A male model named Jason Boyce has filed suit against renowned photographer Bruce Weber alleging that the lensman sexually harassed him during a photo shoot.

• InstaCouple Justin and Nick share the afterglow of seeing an NYC screening of soon-to-be-in-wide-release Call Me By Your Name.

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