Friday, December 1, 2017

News Round-Up: December 1, 2017

Some news items you might have missed:

• Andrew Christian begins a month-long celebration of Christmas with a candid photo of "Father Daddy Christmas" after trimming the tree.

• The Riveras reality star Johnny Lopez came out in a touching video after his boyfriend posted a photo of the two of them embracing.

• The New York City Council has banned so-called "conversion/ex-gay therapy" for minors.

• It appears that Republican Sen. Bob Corker will be the only "no" vote from the Repubs on the current (ever-evolving) tax reform bill. That would mean the vote will most likely be 51-49.

• On this World AIDS Day, a new poll in the UK shows 1 in 5 Brits would feel "uncomfortable" wearing a red ribbon in honor of those we've lost to HIV/AIDS.

• In case you missed it, check out my podcast for World AIDS Day 2017:

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